Книги в Ялте
La grande patience #1. La Maison Des Autres de Bernard ClavelPour julien Dubois, adolescent franc-comtois de 14 ans, la fin des années 30 est le temps de l'apprentissage. Placé chez un pâtissier de Dole,
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart von Fritz HennenbergBiographie mit Notenbeispielen und vielen Bildern
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The Day Boy and the Night Girl by George MacDonaldThe Day Boy and the Night Girl is a classic fairy tale written by George MacDonald. The story follows a young prince named Photogen who is cursed ...
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Die Aula - Hermann KantЧитатели и критики назвали «Аулу» «великим эпическим развлечением».
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Anybody Out There? by Marian KeyesMarian Keyes has introduced readers to the lives, loves, and foibles of the five Walsh sisters -- Claire, Maggie, Rachel, Helen, and Anna -- and ...
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Mein zauberhaftes Kleines Schwarzes von Julia HoldenWitzige Dialoge, eine herzerwärmende Story und zauberhaftes Pariser Flair
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Spy Story by Len DeightonAn attempted murder, the defection of a highly placed KGB official, and an explosive nuclear submarine chase beneath the Arctic Ocean seem ...
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Deception Point by Dan BrownRachel Sexton works for the National Reconnaissance Office as an intelligence officer. She is also the daughter of a Senator currently running ...
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Washington, D.C. by Gore VidalWashington, D.C., is the final installment in Gore Vidal's Narratives of Empire, his acclaimed six-volume series of historical novels about ...
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Les Femmes Savantes de MolièreLa pièce raconte l'histoire d'une famille, où la mère (Philaminte), la belle-sœur de cette dernière (Bélise) et une de ses deux filles (Armande) ...
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Le sagouin - François MauriacIl semble que François Mauriac ait mis le meilleur de son art dans cette cruelle peinture d'une famille de hobereaux du Sud-Ouest dont l'héritier, ...
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Les rois en exil de Alphonse DaudetКнига сопровождается предисловием и комментариями к тексту, предназначена для широкого круга читателей.
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Zum Tee bei Dr. Borsig. Hörspiele von Heinrich BöllAcht Hörspiele aus den Jahren 1953 bis 1963 über gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen in Deutschland
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Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus by Rifqa BaryLeaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined, but gave more than she could have dreamed.
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Revival Preachers and Politics in Thirteenth Century Italy: The Great Devotion of 1233 by Augustine ThompsonRecent studies of medieval preaching have tended to focus on sermon texts. This is the first scholarly study in English of preaching and its social ..
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Transient Psychosis: Diagnosis, Management and Evaluation. Edited by Joe. P. TupinThe term "transient psychosis" does not appear in official psychiatric literature. It is a term, however, widely used by mental health ...
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The Oxford Pocket School Dictionary by by Joyce M. HawkinsThe ideal, up-to-date pocket dictionary specially planned for school use.
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Пособие по аналитическому чтению на испанском языке Пинкевич А.А.Для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков.
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Die Nacht der Amazonen de Herbert Rosendorfer»Ein Satyrspiel quer durch die Apokalypse des Dritten Reiches. Rosendorfer erzählt sie mit grimmigem Humor und mit literarischer Brillanz.« ...
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Second Time Around by Marcia WillettWhen Mathilda Rainbird bequeaths her beautiful house in a Devonshire cove to three unknown relatives, she brings together a group of people who ...
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Място за убиване - Лий ЧайлдТе правят пари. Големи пари…
В цял свят няма по-добри от тях. За да опазят тайната си, убиват. Посветените. И подозрителните.
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Bible of the Dead by Tom KnoxA gripping high-concept thriller for fans of Dan Brown and Sam Bourne from the author of The Genesis Secret and The Marks of Cain.
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Au coeur des émotions de l'enfant - Isabelle FilliozatUn livre-ressource pour aller vers davantage d'harmonie familiale. Les parents sont souvent démunis devant l'intensité des émotions de leur enfant.
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Большой Англо-Русский Словарь (в 2-х томах) ред. И.Р. ГальперинаСодержит более 160 тысяч словарных статей и является самым полным англо-русским словарем.
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Archangel by Robert HarrisFluke Kelso was once a scholar of promise, but like so many in the highly competitive world of academia, he's never delivered. But one night, ...
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Der Weg nach Xanadu von Wilfried SteinerDie schöne Anna hat eine Neigung zu Männern mit Obsessionen. Mit 16 Jahren liebt sie einen durchgeknallten Medizinstudenten, dessen...
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SOS, maux de grossesse - Katrin Acou-BouazizNausées, jambes lourdes, lombalgies, vergetures? La réalité de la grossesse ne ressemble guère au mythe nimbé de rose de la future maman épanouie !
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El Cobrador - Rubem FonsecaЭто сборник коротких фантастических рассказов, опубликованных в Бразилии.
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Le Ricain de Roger BornicheDétournements d'avions, braquages , des casinos, traîtres à l'Omerta, la loi du silence, découpés au sécateur : en mission aux U.S.A., ...
65 грн./шт.В наличии
Ja, Klaudiusz - Robert GravesMatka nazywała go monstrum stworzonym, lecz nie dokończonym przez naturę. Babka, Liwia, odnosiła się doń z pogardą. August wolał nie pokazywać ...
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